Monday, November 19, 2012

American Pets Are Loved and Pampered

Over the last 10 years, the number of pets in the United has skyrocketed. Like no other time in history, Americans have taken a shine to pets of all shapes, sizes and species. It has been reported that by some pet industry sources that well over 70 million American households have at least one pet. Given the rise in pet ownership and the amount of money spent on pets, it is clear that Americans love their pets enough to give many of them the very best.

As Americans, we spent an estimated $40 billion on pet products and services in 2007. This is significantly higher than the $17 billion we spent in 1994. Nearly $11 billion is spent on veterinary care alone. The level of sophistication in veterinary care has expanded to include treatment modalities once reserved for humans. Our four legged companions struggle with many of the same medical conditions as we do including cataracts, obesity, cancer, and arthritis. For those pet owners who have the money, state-of-the-art treatments like eye surgery, joint replacements and even chemotherapy are routinely applied to pets.

Partly due to the demands of pet owners, the diet of the average house pet has imp women's jackets roved. Pet food purveyors are responding by raising the quality, and the price, of pet foods. This may account for the estimated $17 million spent annually on pet foods. Many pet food sellers offer natural and gourmet varieties of food and treats. Americans are clearly concerned about the purity and quality of the pet food they buy.

Pet Fashions

Our pets might be self aware but no one seriously thinks that the family dog will know the difference between a brand name coat and the off brand. Still this fact does not keep many pet owners from looking to designer duds for their Doberman. Many retail clothiers who cater to humans are looking at the pet market in order to expand their brand dominance.

Fashion boots for your boxer and even lounge coats for the family Labrador are available for a price. Even though our precious pets would not care if the pet carrier was a Vuitton or the Walmart variety, pet owners are drawn to making a fashion statement. Would my Beagle beg for more bling? Probably not, since I would be the only one to notice that his collar was that fashionable.

Pets on the Go

Whether you enjoy walking, cycling or driving, you can take you favorite pet along for the ride. Pet strollers, bike carriers and car safety seats are just some the things available to the discerning pet owner. Taking Spot on a road has never been easier, even on that long road trip in the family car. Motel and hotel chains across the country have adopted pet friendly policies, allowing owners to bring their pets right into the room.

Champagne Nights and Doggie Dreams

While our pampered pets enjoy the improvements in diet and fashion, the humble dog bed has seen an upgrade too. The simple pet bed has been transformed. Taking a cue from bed designs used for humans, designers of pet bedding have begun to incorporate many of the same materials. Advancements in materials and designs now provide our pets with a never before seen level of comfort. Even visco elastic memory foam is being used in pet beds. Older pets can certainly benefit from these improvements, especially those suffering the effects of diseases like arthritis.

So at the end of a long day spent being groomed, pampered and preened, our pets can enjoy a relaxing respite on their heated, memory foam beds. After a good nights sleep, they are ready for another day of providing us with unconditional love and loyalty.

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