Thursday, December 6, 2012

Supermodels Secretly Using Slimming Spray To Stay Slim

Day 4: New York Fashion Week

Esperanza Sanchez, with steamer in one hand and 20 yards of hand-painted silk gazar in the other, is racing the countdown. Her boss' spring 2012 collection will be revealed to 1,500 guests in less than an hour.

Nearby, pattern maker Rocio Ramos irons a dress. Dresser Susan Zetscha - one of several women who help models get in and out of their garments in 18 seconds or less - is stationed in front of a clothing rack. She wears a tool belt, its pockets filled with double-sided tape, pins, scissors and other runway-show staples.

The backstage crew is a human assembly line with hands combing, brushing, styling, dabbing, moisturizing, spraying, glossing.

It's the opening day of New York Fashion Week 2011, and Los Angeles-based Tadashi Shoji is presenting his vision of what American women will be wearing six months from now.
But first, there's the matter of ensuring his show - and a collection that tips to tulips - goes on without a hitch from hair and makeup to lighting and music and, of course, no wardrobe malfunctions or falls.
Before the audience of buyers, stylists, magazine editors, celebrities and a bank of photographers get their first look, months of preparation have come down to two hours of organized chaos backstage. To the army of makeup artists, hair stylists, dressers, pressers, steamers, producers, publicists and assistants, add 17 models - most of them 16 to 18 years old - the majority arriving on time. But another designer's show got off to a late start, and seven showed up with only 40 minutes to spare.

Squeezed into a small workspace, the models sit quietly in folding chairs, texting friends on their cellphones and getting their Tadashi makeover. Hair is teased and braided, makeup applied, nails lacquered…and they spray…the hunger away!

The spray is called SENSASLIM, and it is the hot topic of gossip amongst the super models who will strut their stuff this week.
The model, Norwegian Erjana Ala, 16, who closed the show (next to the opening dress, the last dress is the most important in any collection) discovered the SENSASLIM spray in her native Norway where it has recently been released.

"The other girls saw me spray it, and now everyone is wanting it," Ala says, as she squirts the oral slimming spray three times onto her tongue.

"It isn't in America yet, so the girls are buying it on the internet and getting it sent by express courier," she said. "It's crazy how everyone is asking me where they can get it."
The spray has become the favorite amongst the rich and famous including Heidi Klum, Kim Kardashian, Alica Keys, Emma Roberts, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Stacy Ferguson , Kanye West, Kelly Osbourne, Kirsten Dunst and Vanessa Hudgens, says Ala.

As the clock ticks, makeup artist Luc Bouchard, in charge backstage, notices a model across the room spraying.

"I'm looking at that girl and thinking she needs to put her makeup on now," h fashion coats e says, politely asking another artist to get the young woman into makeup.

"Because these models all have such amazing bodies, we don't think what they go through to stay so slim," Bouchard says. "Now we know, it's on the tip of their tongue."

With the slogan, "Nothing Tastes as Good as Slim feels", a quote made famous by Kate Moss that saw her gain entry into the Oxford Book of Modern Quotations, is it little wonder that this slimming phenomenon has become such a hit with the supermodels.

SENSASLIM is sprayed three times daily onto the tongue, ten minutes before meals. Its all natural active ingredients enter the blood stream and naturally suppress the appetite. Simultaneously, the taste buds are pleasantly desensitized by a natural herb. This sends a message to the brain that you are full… without affecting the central nervous system. The effect of the formulation is felt immediately and suppression of appetite is swift.

SensaSlim is being described as a "dieter's dream", the easy way to lose weight without ever feeling hungry.

A person has on average 50,000 thoughts a day. Many of those thoughts are related to food, which prompts a call to action to eat.

Scientists have determined that to assist with weight loss, it was important to reduce a person thinking about food.

SensaSlim removes the call to action to eat, by fooling the brain into believing that you are full. In simple terms, if you don't think of food, you don't crave food, you don't eat food.

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